I dreamed this book in 2010. I was born a Jew by my Mother's conversion when she married my Father, but I can never understand the wisdom of our Creator in that one, because the Jews threw me out. I have been thrown out of most places , and I am more Muslim than Jewish on account of the fact that I do not drink alcohol, as friends will verify: one sip and I can wreck a party, or worse, with my laughter.
One Saturday afternoon in 2010, I was asleep, and dreamed I met with the Prophet Moses, the Prophet Isaiah and the Prophet Mohammed. They were so lifelike, it was as if I could have reached out and touched them, and the feeling of wellness after I had been in their presence was incredible. The Prophet Moses told me about how the waves had risen into walls of water and why it happened - one of the hardest things to understand in religion. The Prophet Isaiah told me about the future and a path to a better world for everyone, especially the poor. The Prophet Mohammed asked me, so politely, if I could write it all into a book. He told me to get a website and shine its light to the very ends of the world. What struck me was that they were so up to date with our world that it was as if they were still living here, and knew everything and even more than us.
When I woke up the dream was so vivid, it was as if I had actually been with them. The things they had said made so much sense, and two days later I was on the telephone to BT to get the website set up. In those days I did not even know what 'an icon' was when the technician was talking to me but with their help the website got set up. When it was done I told NASA in the USA. They read my website and liked it. They sent me a portal to their 'Pool of Information', and although I have never used it, it is still on my computer. Then they contacted Imperial College in London about this 'brilliant scientist' in London. Of course, Imperial College had never heard of me, they telephoned me and asked me where I worked, and when I said I cleaned houses in Dulwich, they were not too happy. I cannot blame them really, they must have spent all their lives shaking test tubes and peering into microscopes, and all I had done was gone to sleep, and woken up with a lot of answers. I had been running my own gardening business since 2009, and did some wildlife rescue which had put me into the position of refusing work that was not environmentally friendly and writing a letter of protest to the Climate Change protesters about the damage they were doing camping on Blackheath Common at migration time, but what I had woken up with was a whole new dimension of history, religion and science, viewed from outside the planet, in a book that did not use paper, which I would never have thought of. The website got correspondence from all over the world but I doubt many people did much more than think twice about pulling Ivy out, although NASA did one day see what I told them about : that 'every so often the planet does a wobble'.
After some years I became very ill and had no money to spare, so the website had to close as I could not afford it. When I was back on my feet financially I updated the work and published it again. That time an odd thing happened: I could not work one part out about which way the planet rolls when it turns and decided it was not important and so I would leave that bit out. On the telephone to BT while making arrangements for a new website, I thought to myself 'Yes, HE wont mind that bit left out!'. Next second: BANG!!!. The telephone line where I was talking to the operator opened out for me to be able to hear a control room with alarms going off and people asking if everyone was alright. Their equipment had been struck by lightening. A terrific storm that began with that deafening bang was right above my house. Lightening had hit me, I stood there with the phone in my hand saying 'Woooo!!' as my hair stood on end and warm waves of electricity ran from head to toe down my body, and it had gone down the line and set BT alarms off. The equipment that had been hit was my telephone with me standing holding it. A technician came two days later, apologizing that he had not come straight away but he had been in a conference in Scotland on Climate Change and he had to stay there as he was an expert on how it would affect their equipment. 'That is what this website is, I told him: Saving The Planet, Nature's Way. Two like minds joined, and as I told him the book was free on the internet and so he could have a look at it when he had time, in the course of his conversation he told me something that shed light on the bit I did not understand and had been going to leave out. I do not think he realized the importance of what he told me about how dark it had got one night, and much earlier than usual, when he was on holiday on the west coast of Ireland right before a hurricane in America. It meant that if the Planet goes into a complete roll, huge Northerly winds coming from West (Canada) to East (Russia), depending also on the daily and seasonal rotation of the Planet, (possible South East direction) will roll the Planet East to West, land into the sea, and the weather will stay where it is. One shift has now put weather normally out in the Atlantic over us, a big roll will turn on that basis. Unless we sort the weather out it is gong to be a few shifts then the big roll. It is literally 'No Ifs and Buts - Get off your Butts!' to plant living green matter everywhere, to contain the Planet's water and reduce the weather. It will stop the fighting too. There are always wars and rumours of wars before a roll over. Increase the amount of living green matter to cover everything and there will not only be enough free food for everyone but there will be so many pheromones in the atmosphere that no one will feel like fighting.
What he could not understand was how I had withstood so many volts of lightening, which their equipment had measured, because he had expected the whole street to be knocked out and me dead. 'No', I said, 'My hair had just stood on end and I had stood there saying Woooo!', and laughing about it as it tickled when the energy ran down me from head to foot and grounded itself. However, I tell you solemnly, that was the last time I thought something Heaven told me to do would not matter if I did not do it. What a way to find out the answer to the bit I could not work out.
There was also always something else about that dream that puzzled me. Why did HE sent THOSE three Prophets?. One day in 2022, all those years later, it dawned on me that The Prophets Moses and Isaiah were Jewish and on that Saturday were keeping their Sabbath Holy and could discuss religion, while the Prophet Mohammed was Muslim and as he had said his prayers on Friday, he could tell me to write a book on a Saturday because it was not work for him. If their followers could see the friendship between their leaders in the world beyond this one, they would be calling each other 'friends'.
Then a bit more dawned on me about that dream and heat prickled all round my neck with embarrassment. I had been kicked out of the Jewish faith for going into Christian Churches, refusing to get married and not claiming my Grandmother's inheritance to keep New Cross Synagogue going which had to close without her money. I was not forbidden to keep Friday night alone, but was not allowed to enter a Synagogue or join other Jews for Shabbat, so although I kept Shabbat after a fashion when I felt like it, I have never been in a Synagogue since and have certainly over indulged in the saying that 'you can work on Saturdays if the job demands it'. Each week I used to whisper to HIM : Look Darling, I will meet you half way this week. I will make a lovely little supper for the two of us, then I will come out and look at your beautiful stars with you, then that is where the half way line is because this week we wont worry about the 'no work bit'. From 1976 to 2010 every week I used to light two candles on Friday night, one to show that the first Messiah had been and gone in Jesus Christ and the second to show that the second Messiah was still to come, then hold up a bit of bread and give thanks for it, saying that I was sorry that I had already eaten most of it on account of how nice it had smelt cooking 'Lord, Thou knowest thy servant well!', drink some water - raising a glass to the health of people who were not as lucky as me to have fresh clean water running out of tap and the hope of a better fairer world for everyone, some times when I was high in the spirit I would laugh and repeat out loud the words I had said to Jonathan Saacks when he threw me out 'Ok Mate!' because although I had done exactly what he had told me, I had never once spent Shabbat 'alone', and go out to look up at the stars and talk to HIM, or give thanks for rain if it was cloudy. Then as I left for work on the Saturday morning, I would look up to Heaven and say, half sorry, half cheekily, 'The job demands it!', blow a loud lip smacking kiss towards Heaven if no one was about, and go and get on with my day. All those years later in 2010, when for once I had nothing to do on a Saturday, by mistake not design, HE had looked down from Heaven, seen me asleep and said to himself as he sent the three Prophets, 'No work today?. I've got a job for you...'
This is what HE wants you to know:

Written in memory of 'Peter Maple' who died 11/1/2021 and the four men who lived in his identity. Some of them lived to such a great age, because they were so evil that even The Angel Satan did not want to come to collect them; And remembering a day in the 1960s when Sir Keith Joseph, a guest at their meetings, offered me threepence for having cleaned their shoes, served tea and washed up for them all, and I was not allowed to accept it. 'Peter Maple' said I had got to learn to do things for free. 'Arbeit Macht Frei' in fact!
Well, I learnt that lesson, and many others, and it is with great pleasure that I have just given the secrets from those meetings and the details of their '60 YEAR PLAN' to MI5 free...